
[Review] Palty Hair Dye Review

By heylinni - 9:54 PM

Yeah, this has been really LATE since I actually dyed my hair maybe.....a month ago already? I had promised you guys that I would make a hair dye review for the Palty dyes but I never really got around to it because I'm so lazy :(
It's also been ages since I've posted because I've had so much on! So to make up for it, this is a really long, detailed and pic-heavy post about my experiences with Palty Hair Bleach and also Bubble hair dye. Because the post is so long, you have to probably click ON the images to view the gifs :) (worth it, I tell you)

Basically, before dying my hair, I was looking EVERYWHERE for some really good reviews for Palty Hair Dye because I wanted to be absolutely sure of the colour and effect before I actually did it. However, it took me ages to find really detailed posts with pictures of the effect on the hair. I wasn't satisfied with the reviews, and so now I will present you with a hair dye review with LOADS of info so you don't face the same problem! I think maybe everything you will want to know, I will try to answer :D 

So firstly, here is a picture of my hair before I dyed it. Just an ordinary brown. I liked it but I wanted something new for the holidays ^_^

I had wanted something a little more different, but not too over the top, so a reddish-brown seemed like a nice colour. However, because my hair is very dark, I bought a Blonde bleach to lighten my hair first so the end result would be more vibrant.

Palty is a Japanese Hair Dye brand made SPECIFICALLY for lightening Asian hair with just one simple step. It is well known as I think, Tsubasa Masuwaka represents it. I love the packaging of the boxes because she is so gorgeous and really looks amazing in any hair colour.

I had read online that generally people would need to buy 2 boxes of the hair colour, because it really doesn't give you much at all and if you only had one box, you'd run out and be stuck with chat half dyed hair. I bought the hair dye online, on Amazon.com because it's cheap and easy to purchase there. It was around 13 dollars each box, which is pretty expensive. Overall, it cost me almost 60 dollars!! (cheaper than the hairdresser's though)

I bought the Palty Hard Gold Brown Bleach and the Strawberry Jam Bubble Hair Dye.
Uwah, the packaging is so cute and Japanese right? 

I decided to bleach and dye my hair on two different days, giving my hair some time to recover from the bleach before redamaging it with the hair dye :D 

So firstly, onto the Hard Gold Brown Bleach. I would definitely recommend you use this first if you want to dye your hair a different colour and your hair is very dark. Otherwise the colour might not show up very well. 
Although people were saying that I needed two boxes, I only ended up using one; maybe because my hair is quite thin. I probably should have used two though, because in the end, the bottom of my hair wasn't fully golden - it was more like a super blonde at the top to dark brown at the bottom. But hey, ombre right? lol
This is what you get in the box of Bleach 

1. The box
2. A container filled 20% with some kind of watery formula
3. an attachable applicator comb
4. Bleach powder 
5. A toothpaste tube containing the bleach colour
6. A pair of plastic gloves
7. Instructions (in Japanese)
8. Hair repair cream conditioner 
On the box is also a colour chart which shows you the effects the bleach will have on the hair at certain amounts of time. This can differ depending on whether you have dark or light hair. 

I was also able to find a very useful photo of ENGLISH instructions for how to use the bleach and hair dye, supplied by Mitsukiyumiko 
It'd probably be useful to have these photos open when you are dying your hair, so you can reference and make sure you're doing the right thing for best results :)
Remember - there are always instructions for a reason!

All the containers have such cute exteriors to them! Makes the experience so much sweeter :)

The applicator is so useful since it makes bleaching the hair very easy and makes sure not to miss patches
This is the solution after I mixed it (watch the gifs below for more detail) 

I decided to leave in the bleach for about 35 minutes, so I would have a very effective result. However, never leave it in for more than 45 minutes because it can burn your hair D: 
I found the application process really easy, and I had my mum help me anyway. I didn't feel much of a burn that people experience from bleach because this is a milder version of bleach, so it's less damaging. Also, there was no acid smell. On the contrary, it had a floral scent, really fruity and nice.
Afterwards, use the conditioner to help repair the hair and make it less dry. I noticed that Palty didn't dry out my hair as much as other brands of dye so I was really happy with that. 

And here was the result! 
I was so shocked when I looked in the mirror, because it was so light! But it was definitely a nice result :) Only mistake I made was using the one box, so my ends were still quite dark! But I guess it made a more natural tone.
And some gifs to show what the hair looked like in action :) 
Here are my ratings for the Palty Hard Gold Brown Bleach 

♡♡♡♡♡ 5/5

♡♡ 2/5 

♡♡♡♡ 4/5

♡♡♡ 3/5 

♡♡♡♡ 4/5

The Positives ☀ 
✔Super adorable boxing
✔Easy to apply 
✔No poisonous bleach smells 
✔No burning sensations or pain 
✔Really managed to lighten my hair well
✔Fun prepping time 
✔Does not dry out hair very much 

The Negatives ☹
✖Need two boxes of dye 
✖Instructions are all in Japanese
✖Regrowth is terrible - It's very obvious when the normal hair grows out 

Now onto the Bubble Hair Dye! I chose one of the reddish tinted dyes, since Tsubasa just looked so amazing on the box :D 
I bought it on Amazon so it didn't seem to contain all the materials it should have. There are instructions of the back of the box too !
It's also got a little colour chart that shows the effect on different shades of hair colour. Since I had bleached my hair before this, the final result should be the most vibrant colour :) 

Here are the instructions for using the Bubble Hair Dye in ENGLISH also found from mitsukiyumiko (Everyone should be very grateful towards her!) 

The box came with 1 tube of the colour cream, a container of liquid colouring which you mix together in a red cup provided :)

It's really cool how the you can use the back of the box to place the cup and use as a holder :) No chance of spills now ~

Then when you mix it, it bubbles up and goes all fluffy! It's so much fun to use and mix :D Like after about 10 rotations, the mixture just completely bubbles up. It's awesome. 

This Bubble Hair Dye also smelt really nice, very strawberry-like! I had it in for about 40 minutes as well before washing my hair again. I was hoping for a dark red, a little deeper than (SNSD) Tiffany's hair colour when she did Twinkle :)

So here are some pictures of my hair after the red! I think it suited me a little more and I really loved it :)
Sorry I didn't take any specific shots for this colour dye, so I just grabbed some pics from when my hair was red. These photos are from Wengies music video filming day :)

You can see that in the sunlight, my hair is already fading quickly. It's not exactly a super vibrant colour in the daylight, making it more normal looking for when I go out.

However, the worst thing is that the dye washes out EXTREMELY quickly, so after a few days, my blonde-ish colour was already returning. :(
Here is my hair a few weeks after dying it red. It's almost more of a brown than a red :( Perhaps using a colour stay shampoo or something could solve this problem. 

And if you look at it in the daylight, you can see that there are no shades of red in the hair. It turns into an asian orangey colour. (though I liked this colour as well ^_^ )
(hehe, I like this photo from my Facebook)

So here are my ratings for the Strawberry Jam Bubble Hair Dye 

Packaging ☞
♡♡♡♡♡ 5/5

Price ☞
♡♡♡ 3/5 (There was more dye in this box)

Application ☞
♡♡♡ 3/5 (no applicator :( )

Effectiveness ☞
♡♡ 2/5 

Overall ☞
♡♡♡ 3/5 

The Positives ☺
✔Pretty packaging YAY
✔Nice strawberry smell
✔Repair conditioner provided
✔Hair is not damaged! 
✔First few days it looks AMAZING!
✔There was more dye in these boxes - though you still probably need two boxes if you have thick hair
✔Awesome cup holder thing 
✔So fun to mix and prep 
✔Accurate colour chart on the box 

The Negatives ☹
✖All instructions in Japanese
✖Easily wash out 
✖Not very vibrant 
✖Applicator clamp not provided 

So that is the end of my super long review for two types of Palty Hair Dyes! I really hope that I will get to use different ones later on to review again! Maybe a dark lavender colour :D That would be awesome. But right now, I think I'm going to leave my hair for a bit to just fully recharge healthiness :) 

If you've got any additional questions about the dye, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments below! 


ALSO AUSTRALIAN READERS -> Be sure to enter my Giveaway for Clearasil Daily Extracts and Vitamins Cleanser! I have 5 to GIVE AWAY! All you need to do is go on my other post by clicking here, and comment why 'YOU BELIEVE CLEARASIL CAN HELP YOU?'. Seriously, it's so easy! Competition ends on the 22nd of July 2013. 

xx Heylinni 


Thank You for Reading! 
Please remember to like my Facebook page for daily updates about my blog!!

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38 replies

  1. It looks really nice on you.. But the sad part is that it washed so quickly...
    I think i'll try this...
    Keep in touch

  2. It looks really really nice on you! I want to try and dye my hair too even though I've never dyed it before > u < Thank you for the review~


  3. The orangey reddish brown looks good on your hair ^^ pretty as always :D I've always wanted to try the bleaching box though so thank you for the review :3

  4. Both of the colors really suit you well! Though I really like you with the more blonde one :)


  5. You look so pretty ^_^ and the color fit's you well. I'm planning to dye my hair soon and was contemplating if i should try palty hair dye or not :) but since i've read this, will probably give it a try. Thank you! such an informative blog post and well written.



  6. You look like Minnie mouse on the first picture! So cute :)


  7. Actually, I find the darker ends beautiful! They seem to add some gradation~ which makes it look very pretty dear!

    <3 Celly

  8. Never dyed my hair before, but yours looks amazing! *___*

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

  9. Ahh yay! I was in love with the blonde, but when my hair started growing out.....LOL ;D@Rachael

  10. Yay! I'm glad I could help you! Good luck with dying your hair ;D @LaPetiteMichelle©

  11. I would buy it if it didn't wash out so quickly. Any recommendations on which hair dyes works best on virgin Asian hair?

    Thanks for visiting my blog btw. ^.^

  12. I agree, the red looks better x
    but you're so pretty, it looks good either way haha
    followed you on bloglovin' ! x


  13. Lovely hair color (: does it make you hair much more dry after you dyed it ? Cause I'm afraid it'll spoil my hair. x


  14. hmm i think the palty hair dye bleach is basically made to lighten asian virgin hair! :) probably try that out, it works great x @Crystal Lin

  15. aww thank you!! ill follow you back x@Jessica Xu

  16. nope :) not really, and it gives you this special treatment conditioner which softens the hair @Birdie Liau

  17. Hey nice blog :) I am super picky about hair coloring since it’s not always possible to regain natural colour. Though i love your hight lighted color. Its suits you as well as look lovely!

  18. Both of them suited you but I really like the red one more :)

    Great review! :)

    -Dominique xx

  19. pretty good review! thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to document this.
    i too was planning on dyeing my hair using palty and looking for reviews.


  20. Amazing review! Thank you so much :3

  21. Thank you so much for this review. Best review I saw so far for palty :D i hope you do more reviews :D :D

  22. It is really interesting post. I never read such kind of post. It impressed me. Thanks for sharing…

  23. Both colors look good on you! I've also tried the foam hair dye and it left my hair very soft. I've also been curious with the palty bleach dyes. Thank you so much for sharing this! ^^

    I'm also having an international giveaway of Dariya Palty Japanese Foam Hair Dye. If you're interested, you can check it out here:

  24. Both colors looks really nice you! But I think the reddish one looks better ^^ I was wondering if it was absolutely necessary to use the bleach? I only really wanna dye my hair a dark brown color, just a few shades lighter than my own. Oh, and I was wondering how long the hair dye lasts until it's completely gone from your hair? c:

  25. I love it! Why don't you try highlights using these products? :D

  26. Thank you so much! I just died my hair with a normal box hair dye, and it did NOTHING almost to my hair....it's still black.....So i think I should really try this brand :P


  27. Thank you so much for the wonderful information .This is really important for me .
    I am searching this kind of information from a long time and finally got it.

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  28. this the review I'm talking about!!! high five girl! thank you for putting pictures and making the review really detailed! this will help people who wants to use palty :) thanks! congrats! its great!

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