90's kid at heart: Disney songs throwback

By heylinni - 12:57 PM

I've been listening to a heap of Disney music lately...and only Disney music. Finally, the influx of rookies in Kpop has overcome me and I simply haven't had the time or care to keep up with them. I don't think I've heard a new Kpop song in a few months actually..? However, I still try keep myself updated with the news in Kpop, like I recently saw what went down when Taeyeon and Baekhyun revealed they were dating (ok, so I had this post lined up in my drafts for ages, I know this is pretty old news by now). Personally, I don't really care, but it was interesting to see how fans reacted to this news. Some are downright crazy whilst others are overly supportive. It's interesting to see the two extremes collide and cause so much drama ahahaha. :P What's your opinion on the so-called 'scandal'?

But anyway, back on track, this post is all about some Disney songs I've been replaying over and over. They're very famous so you'll all probably know them as well, even if you weren't a 90's kids. That's really the beauty of Disney though; its absolute timelessness. I really love music from musicals though because they are pretty dramatic, but also a lot of fun to sing along with. 
I also enjoy watching most Disney movies but sometimes I feel like they're a bit too predictable right? Especially the classic ones, where there's always a prince to save the helpless princess (well, only Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty). But there are always those exceptions like Mulan and Alice in Wonderland, which is why those are my two favourite Disney movies. Still, I'd pick watching a Disney movie over a Twilight movie, or even strangely enough something like The Fault in Our Stars (I'm sorry, I didn't enjoy it :S) anyday because of their awesome music and feel-good endings. 

Let me know in the comments below what your favourite Disney songs/movies are. Of course I adore the Frozen soundtrack, but I prefer to stick with the classics in this list and go back in time to the good old '90s. 

Here are my TOP TEN (not ranked) so far (It's not like I'm some Disney expert, these are just songs from the few generic movies which I really liked): 

1. Hakuna Matata
Movie: The Lion King

I have this song stuck in my head right now actually! It's the most feel-good song, the original YOLO, and it does somewhat manage to take your stresses away. Plus, how freaking adorable is Simba as a cub? He reminds me of my puppy for some reason, even though he's feline lol. 

2. A Whole New World 
Movie: Aladdin

Another super popular Disney song. I watched Lea Salonga and Brad Kane sing the studio version on YouTube and I fell in love with their voices. Especially Lea who is one amazingly talented singer! I also like that Jasmine is a pretty sassy princess, with a great personality :P

3. A Very Merry Unbirthday (to you)
Movie: Alice in Wonderland 

Ahh, of course, my favourite movie. The thingI love most about Alice in Wonderland is that it puts a total spin on what's 'normal' and really explores the imaginative side of the world, which is perfectly emulated in this song. Despite being more dialogue than talk, I'm always getting this little tune stuck in my head.

4. Little Town & Something there 
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Though Beauty and the Beast is not one of my favourite movies, this song was my favourite for quite some time! I just found the song so catchy and singers are amazing. I like that interaction between the whole town throughout this song and my favourite part is that little bridge bit a little more than halfway through because she sings so high and ugh..just gives me chills :D
I grouped these two together because they had the same tune and it kind of showed the progression of Belle's character. I think this was one of the only songs I remembered as a kid watching this movie because I just loved it so much.

And an added gem: MirandaSings version of Little Town which I really enjoyed because Colleen is such a good singer but when she's Miranda, it just makes it even better.

5. Under the Sea
Movie: The Little Mermaid

Currently my fave song! Sebastian with that Jamaican accent is just the best character! This song even convinces me that under the sea is better,...if I had gills, otherwise I'd probably drown :(

6. I'll Make a Man Out of You
Movie: Mulan

This one's my go-to motivation song. Just the punchiness of the melody makes me want to work harder and achieve the improvement that Mulan did in the movie. Though I must say, this movie is perfect and I love that it empowers women (wow much feminism)

7. Reflection
Movie: Mulan

Another Mulan song! The lyrics are really meaningful in this one and I think quite a few people could relate to them, if you feel like you can't be the person you want to. I think Lea Salonga also sang as Mulan (not sure?) so of course, that voice is just stunning!

8. I Just Can't Wait to be King 
Movie: The Lion King

I think I really like this song because it's the one that stood out most to me when I watched the Lion King at Broadway in New York. So it definitely brings back some great memories and fun times. Idk, I just love Simba when he's young cos he's so cute!

9. Painting the Roses Red 
Movie: Alice in Wonderland 

Idk why I couldn't embed the original video of this but here's the soundtrack anyway. Another catchy little tune from Alice in Wonderland, all about nonsense things. Btw, how kawaii does Alice look in that thumbnail? lol

10. Never Had a Friend Like Me 
Movie: Aladdin

And finally, the great Genie's song in Aladdin. I think I did a routine to this when I did gymnastics like 10000 years ago, but it's constantly been stuck in my head. I remember as a young'un, replaying this over and over because I liked the dramatic sound of the music, ahahha.

And that's the end of my list for today! i bet you guys have some great recommendations for other Disney songs so you should let me know in the comments below :D I'm sorry I haven't been posting much even though it's holidays, I literally cannot wait for exams to be over so I can blog like everyday. But, I'll try my best to be posting at least once a week, since I have loads of unfinished, half-written drafts in my posts queue. 

Anyway, thanks for reading!
xx Heylinni

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35 replies

  1. Love it love it love it!! ♥ ♥
    I grew up in the ninties so these are all part of my childhood, first time in the movies was when I was two years old and went to see Little Mermaid..well I fell asleep during the movie. x)

    Me and my friends used to put the videos on and sing with the characters..damn I love disney ♥ sugarcoated world ♥

    ~ Frillycakes ~

  2. Haha, Baekhyun and Taeyeon are such a cute couple! ♥ *v* Anyway, I'd say one of my fave Disney movies and songs would be from Little Mermaid and Mulan! Love your top 10 picks though! ;) X

    Chic Nikkie

    1. yeah? i think so too. thank you for reading!

  3. Such a lovely post! This reminded me of my childhood...I used to love it to watch these! ^_^

    Keep in touch

  4. When I found out Baekhyun and Taeyeon were dating I was like nooooooo because all of the hardcore EXO fans are Baekyeol shippers lol I think the exotics have mostly came to accept it now though :) Anyways, this is a lovely post & it reminded me of all of the Disney songs I used to love.
    Thanks for sharing <3

    xoxo Payton of K-Party With Payton

    1. yeah, i think dating scandals just blow over with time anyway :) it's not really like the fans can do anything about it in the end

  5. love your blog soo much *.* I think every kpop girl loves it :D
    What do you think of following each other on GFC, Instagram or Lookbook? :) Just let me know :)

    1. hahah thank you! i think that would be lovely x

  6. i love disney movies!! thank you for visiting my blog. sure we can follow each other. i will now follow on bloglovin and gfc! hope you follow back :)


  7. Thannks for stopped by my blog and of course we can follow each other! I'm now following you via G+, GFC, FB(with my personal account) Twitter and Bloglovin!
    Waiting for you!
    Bonjourchiara Facebook Page

  8. thank you so much for commenting my blog.
    you've got a lovely blog and I already followed you.

    xoxo. T.

  9. such a cute post!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    ps. you can win a cute Dahlia trench in my little giveaway! click here

  10. Lovely post, I adore Disney films! :D

    Style Sunrise


  11. I love listening to disney songs! "I'll make a man out of you" gets stuck in my head all the time :) Love the list!
    Thanks for sharing ♥


    1. haha yes, mulan's soundtrack is so catchy :D

  12. I'm also a 90s kid! these are such a reminiscing songs! thanks for sharing! would you like to follow each other via gfc, facebook, and bloglovin? or instagram too? let me know.

    keep in touch!


    new blog post http://chasingculprit.blogspot.com/2014/07/sunflower-town.html

    1. looks like I am already following you here on gfc, followed you back on bloglovin :)

  13. hi thanks for reading! but i don't understand your comment, sorry! D;

  14. I just found your blog after I saw your comment on Zoe's blog! I love it! It would mean the world to me if you checked out my new blog post and comment what you think :) http://myroutinesjade.blogspot.co.uk/

    have a lovely day

  15. I love disney music. Following you on GFC and bloglovin.

  16. I love your blog sm. Super kawaii >//v//<. Hakuna Matata is still one of my favorites songs, I just love the tune.

    Daisy l LittleKawaiiDaisy
