
Purer and Whiter Teeth with PureSmile Experience

By heylinni - 1:32 PM

Hey everyone! Whew, it's been a while since I've posted on this blog, but that's ok - since if you follow me on Youtube, you'll know that I have been quite updated hehe! Another video coming out tomorrow! But I really don't want to leave this blog behind, so I'm back to shifting my focus between the two platforms :) 

Quite a while ago, I was invited by PureSmile to go for a one hour treatment to whiten my teeth. My teeth are a big weakness/ insecurity of mine. Due to simply genetics, they aren't that brilliant, lovely white that we all wish to have. It's not even like I drink coffee, tea or smoke :( Anyhow, PureSmile sent me a lovely email, asking me to come in for 4 x 15 minute sessions. They were amazing in their communication and customer service, quickly answering any questions I had about the appointment and making me feel more confident about the process. I have been really scared to whiten my teeth because I assumed it involved the use of bleach or something equally dangerous, and would only contribute to inserting more nasty chemicals within my body. But after talking to them about it, I felt confident in the fact that they used the safest procedures possible and all-natural gels. Here you can see a totally ratchet photo of me that I took before I went in, with a not-very-white smile. 

PureSmile has a few locations, mostly in shopping centres. In Sydney, these include Burwood and Broadway. I went to the Broadway store, since I was keen to have a look around the Broadway shopping area as well. I realised that the PureSmile stores are more like those open booths you see in the shopping centre. They are quite exposed to general shoppers who may walk by, while you are doing your treatment. However, the staff at PureSmile do their absolute best to provide a certain level of privacy, which I greatly appreciated. The service was SO GOOD. The employees explained everything I needed to know about the teeth whitening process and continually asked if I was comfortable or if I needed anything else. 

The PureSmile teeth whitening process is a four-step method: 
1. All-natural gel is administered to the teeth. This gel is peroxide-free and 100% safe so it won't damage teeth in any way.
2. They place 2 mouth guards onto the teeth, leaving them there for 15 minutes at a time. 
3. They apply the dental grade LED lamp to activate the whitening process. 
4. Afterwards, you rinse and repeat.

I was told that every 15 minutes would take my teeth 2 shades brighter, so an hour sessions would result in my teeth becoming 8 shades lighter. That sounded pretty awesome to me! I was led into a small and cosy booth, where a sign was used to shield me from the public. It was a well-covered area and I felt like I was in my own little world. The booth was so comfortable, with the seat being one of those hi-tech pods. 

I started off by brushing my teeth with a sponge to ensure they were clean. Then, the 4 x 15 minute sessions began! I would repeat the same process for each session. After brushing, I was asked to place some mouth guards in, and they were covered in the whitening gel. I had to bite down on it and shift my teeth a bit to spread the gel completely. Then, the LED light was pushed close to my teeth and a 15 minute timer was set. Since there was LED UV light, I had to wear some protective glasses. It was super relaxing as I got to sit down and just wait. Just a heads up though, it can get a little boring at times, so bring your phone/music to listen to while you wait. Overall, it was such a fun experience though and I enjoyed every minute! After the 15 minutes were up, I was asked to spit my mouthguard into a cup, which was so messy! Haha, the first time, I reckon I dribbled a bit and it was so disgusting LOL. 

The overall process can cost from $127 and you can find more information/make a booking on their website: http://www.puresmile.com.au/

Afterwards, I ended up with much whiter teeth. Granted, they are not colgate-ad white, but I was really happy with the results. Don't have too high expectations as these people aren't miracle workers, but they did a really good job and I felt a lot more confident coming out of the experience. I was also given a goody bag filled with some of their external products, like whitening foam, strengthener and this pen corrector type product to whiten teeth more. I'm really glad that I took this opportunity to experience PureSmile and definitely recommend you guys to do it too because it's just so fun and not too damaging. Plus, you come out with much whiter teeth hehe :) 

Anyway, if you're interested, do check out their website! Look forward to my next video coming out on Youtube soon, and till next time -- thanks for reading!!
xx Heylinni 
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