
Sockflow Subscription Box Review

By Unknown - 10:45 AM

Hi friends! I'm back with my first review in a long, long time. Recently, I realised I've been doing so many Japan vlog posts and just promoting my Youtube vids here, that I've been lacking in some serious original content :S Sorryyy ~~ Hoping to get some more interesting stuff that you can only read on my blog again :) Lately, I'm so busy with work and tutoring and uni is also coming up; it can get a bit much sometimes to be honest :( These days, I'm just waiting for that rest day, where I have no responsibilities and no worries. Actually, last Sunday, I had a couple of hours to myself and I was just so ecstatic haha I legit had no idea what to do with myself! But while I'm wanting that free time so bad, I also need money to fund for my frivolous expenditure. Seriously, I've been so bad this month ... pretty sure my income was equivalent to expenses. Eeeeeh, I need some budgeting tool to fix this impulsive behaviour. 

Today's review is so cute and fun, I'm excited to share this product with you all! I was contacted by SockFlow subscription box about their monthly box, based on SOCKS. Isn't that amazing? Such a niche box, but I also find it so novel and easy to become obsessed with. I reckon socks are such an underlooked fashion item - so necessary in our lives, yet most people never really explore the beauty and creativity you can express with your socks :P Is it because we wear them on our feet, so we don't really think about them that much? Hehe, I have a friend who REALLY loves socks, and her interest in it kind of rubbed off on me as well. 

Some general info about SockFlow... They are a Norwegian company, sending socks from South Korea. You can get a selection of women's, men's or even kids/baby socks every month for just $10-$40, depending on if you want just 1 pair of kawaii socks to 3 pairs of men's dress socks. They're one size fits all, so they're a perfect choice for a gift to a friend. There's also a shop on their site so that you can pick and choose what socks you want specifically. But for me, I like the surprise of the box, coz it feels like a random present hehee even when it's not my birthday. 

I'm so happy with the lovely service provided by SockFlow. They were constantly in contact with me, let me know when they posted the package and continued to keep me updated. When I got the package, it was wrapped in the cutest little bag, with a puppy on it. Plus, they added an extra postcard/note with a letter of thanks. I really like how the whole package is so aesthetic and SockFlow really showed they care about every customer. They also provided some washing instructions and how to care for your socks for long time use. 

All smiles when unboxing my goodies!! I got 2 pairs of kawaii women's socks heheh

So as you can see, I received 2 similar pairs of socks. with this cute bunny character on them (Edit: It's Molang!!). I swear there's a name for this character in Japan but I simply cannot remember it! If you know it, please comment below so I don't have this itching to find out forever hahahah. There was one white pair and one pink pair. The socks are the BEST quality ever. They are so thick and tight and fit so comfortably on my feet. I really feel like there's such support in my foot haha if that makes sense. I never could tell before, the difference in quality between socks, and I'd wear super saggy ones and be ok with it, but now I will not be going back to those. These socks feel strong and durable and they look super cute as well. They have a nice ribbed top, to stay in place at my ankles and not fall down off my feet. It's interested to see that they come out super flat out of the package, is that because of the way they were shipped, or is the design actually like that? 

Had a little photoshoot with these enjoyable socks, so scroll down for more pics :D

The price is definitely worth it for these socks. You're paying not just for the sock, but for the whole experience, the element of surprise, the quality and the cuteness. If you are a fellow appreciator of socks, I'd recommend checking this site out! :D

Cheers for reading!!

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Go shopping for Kfashion with Heylinni!

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4 replies

  1. WOOOOOOW what amazing pictures and such an amazing product HAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. THOSE MOLANG SOCKS omfg. They're just too cute ahhh! -dies-
    Jessie @ bijou-heart

  3. Yes to Sockflow!!! They are just the cutest right? Hihi. ❤

    Spices + Everything Nice | www.ajeinomoto.com
