
Back to my roots of blogging | A Short Heylinni Pondering

By heylinni - 5:00 PM

Hey everyone, 

It's funny. 4 years back, I'd be typing furiously on my blog every night, feeling so passionate and excited about what was going to come out and what I would share with you all - whether it be some new clothing site, my favourite music, anime, games, my random day out or even my ulzzang series. But recently, I definitely have been losing that fire for blogging and it's so sad. My whole Heylinni life started here, on this very site, writing a very post like this one. It's also confusing to think why every post is seemingly more and more like some chore that I keep putting off for later and hence, I don't post for weeks and my views just going down down down. Nooo, it's hard to see my baby like this! I put blood, sweat and tears (probs not blood lol) behind this blog and I must keep it alive and well. 

But some things just have to change. And I've identified the root problem of it all...sponsorships. YES, the freebies, the beautiful, fun items i receive so often in the mail and share with you guys here. It's not as if they're not good products and I secretly hate them or anything...NO WAY! I LOVEEE the 3CE products I recently received, and the contact lenses and clothing and loads of beauty stuff. But it's kind of like, the most people that emailed me wanting me to review their items, the more like a business Heylinni became and less just like something that I was doing because I loved and not for gains. Hahah, in saying this, I've become what I get most annoyed at: people who have blessed lives who complain about how stressful and tiring it is that they receive free stuff. LOL. fuark. But truthfully, I felt like I had a schedule to follow in blogging and this caused some serious writer block. It just seemed like I was an online billboard - pumping out review after review. Especially during the time I was an Etude House Pink Bird Blogger...all I posted was August Pink Box Review, September Pink Box Review, October Pink Box review etc etc. It becomes tedious for you to read and it doesn't really add that much value for my blog. I also thought that each post had to be SUpppperr long because companies were pretty much 'paying' me to talk about their products. This caused build up of stress and backlog in my review items. 

What am I learning and doing about it now? Obviously I'm not going to stop sponsorships and reviews. They form a great part of my blog. I'll continue to do them based on if I am actually PASSIONATE or INVESTED in their product. But I think that this blog deserves more than JUST reviews... what about those excellent music sharings I used to do? Or the 'My Asian Weekly' segment. Or just a short post composed of my thoughts like this one. A 'blog' is meant to be a place to muse and share with the online community some things about your day and life. There shouldn't be any rules to blogging - you do what you want and you don't care about other blogs do. Like I always say, YOU DO YOU :) And I am going to take on board that advice and start just writing whatever I'm thinking at the time. It's fun, relaxing and lets me just spill out my feelings to the public hahaha not that you guys care that much. 

So yeh. I guess that's kind of my message to all the newer bloggers, just starting out. Stay true to your roots and don't turn your blog into some advertisement forum, or an impersonal, faceless corporation haha. Remember the reason you started it and continue to blog for yourself. Don't get overrun and accept every single sponsorship that comes your way. Blogging is a lot of fun, until you start doing it for ulterior reasons and forget why you wanted to do it in the first place! I'm just starting to realise that. 

Onto other more personal, unrelated matters - I am loving these couple of songs at the moment, which I really wanted to share. I'm studying for my final exams at the moment and these are my top study songs. What do you advise I add to the list? 


This song is just so so (haha see what I did there) CUTE! I love the music video - especially the colours. All Kpop music videos are so fun and cute or cool, always a pleasure to watch. The song is so real and funny as well. She's singing about being single and not being able to find love, just cos she doesn't feel it with anyone. It's a cute little story and the vid just goes to show that a dog will solve everything and anything in life. 

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Can't Stop the Feeling !

Ugh! I love this song so much! I just used a remix of it in my latest Japan Vlog 7, where I went to Mount Fuji and Fuji-Q Theme Park. It's so catchy and fun and immediately makes you want to get up and dance. Definitely a gym song, but not sure how productive I am when I listen to it while studying hahaha. 


Oooh, it's funny to see that all my music choices are so different. This has more chill vibes, perfect for the study session. The vocals are so smooth and cool and the beat is catchy and upbeat. Felix Jaehn also did Ain't Nobody with Jasmine Thompson, which was one of my faves for a while, so I LOVE his stuff!! 

Hope you enjoyed this different kind of post and look forward to seeing a different, more personal side of me. I'm busy a lot, especially since moving to Youtube as well - but I won't forget or abandon this blog :)
Till next time!
xx Heylinni 
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Go shopping for Kfashion with Heylinni!

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  1. Replies
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  3. Hi everyone I'm Mrs. ALEKSI TAISIYA, My husband divorced me 2 years ago to live with another woman and i have tried have him back but i could not, so i try to do many things to get him back and he refuse to come back. One faithful Friday morning, I visit a forum for tips on how to get your Ex back and there i saw a lady testifying on how Dr.AKHERE helped her to get her husband back after he was tie down with a spell by another woman. Although I never believed in spiritual work I reluctantly tried him because I was desperate and i contact him and explain my problems to him, to my greatest surprise Dr.AKHERE helped me to bring back my husband after 5days and now my relationship is more perfect just as he promised. Getting your ex back permanently does not only bring back someone you love but it will also reunite your lovers feelings. My husband now treats me like a Queen and always says he loves me all the time. If you are passing through difficulties in your relationship, Doctor AKHERE can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and some other things. I can assure he's highly potent and reliable. Email him for urgent help [AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com ] or +2349057261346 .
