Driving Test Tips for Australian Teens (My Personal Experience)

By heylinni - 7:54 PM

driving test
(Image src: www.masters.com.au)

So this isn't a beauty or fashion related topic, but hey, my blog is all about lifestyle and I don't want to be restricted to certain areas :) I reckon driving test tips are really interesting and useful to talk about, especially for my readers since most of you are around my age. 

I got my red P's around 7-8 months ago. It was a hugely stressful experience for me, especially as I had to take the driving test twice (a little embarrassing) :( ! I think the problem was that the first time, I was simply not prepared for what to expect within the test and that factor threw me off. The second time, I actually knew what to expect and since I had practiced heaps and had the skills, it was completely fine :D 
driving test
here's an irrelevant luxury car pic to show you what you could be driving. I have no idea what other pics to post...
So driving tests are inevitable for most people, if you want to have that freedom and ability to go wherever you like, whenever you like (provided you've got a car to use). This post will basically depict my experiences, and offer some driving test tips for you guys before, during and after your test. This could be useful as I know that most of you are 16-18. Although some readers are from overseas, I guess some tips are generic and can apply to your situation too, otherwise you'll just learn a little more about the Australian lifestyle :) 
Here's my experience, peppered with tips and stuff I got wrong which you probably shouldn't get wrong if you want to pass (though, disclaimer, I'm not a driving instructor or an expert, so you should also ask for help from experts, instead of just relying on my advice. This is all based off my personal experience)

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more irrelevant luxury car pics....one day you will be mine :)

Whilst I was on my L's, I practiced as much as possible. Seriously, I don't think there's much point in faking your hours because when you get to the driving test, you just feel underprepared. Plus, it's super easy to chalk up your hours. Make a list of people on their full license, who you know would be willing to help you out. If you're a social butterfly, make sure you are the one driving every time you go out to the movies, parties, shopping etc! Never turn down a chance to drive! If you're more of a nerd, just make sure you drive to tutoring (like me ahahha). I got so many hours down for tutoring, and everytime you do a long drive (over 10 minutes), just practice some other skills like reverse parking, parallel parking and 3-point turns, because they are guaranteed to be in your driving test. 
So there's tip 1: Don't fake your hours, just drive as much as possible and NEVER turn down an opportunity to drive

Next...so you've got your hours down and are feeling prepared. You've got to now book your driving test at your local registry. P-tests are either extremely popular, or they don't do many per day because you'll have to book it at LEAST one month in advance because they're always filled. Secondly, the driving tests at my local registry only were on weekdays, during school hours so I had to skip school for it. Some other places might operate outside those hours...not sure. Something else that's really important is that you should print off your ticket after you've booked the driving test (I'm pretty sure it cost $50.00). The first time I booked, I didn't print off the ticket, got the dates mixed up and went a week earlier than I was supposed to. My mum got SO MAD at me and I had to skip another day of school the week later to take the test at the right time.
So tip 2: Book your driving test 1 month beforehand
and tip 3: Print off your ticket and make sure you've checked the dates and details!

On the day when I got there, I felt kind of relaxed for some reason. Like, I thought the driving test was going to be really easy to pass and it didn't matter if I made a few mistakes. Oh how I was wrong... First things first, they ask you to fill out a few forms and sign off your driver's log. 
Tip 4: Make sure you arrive at the registry around 15 minutes early to take care of any unfinished business

driving test
Don't be the white rabbit! It causes a lot of stress D:
(gif src: Alice in Wonderland film 1951)

I really wanted an examiner who seemed nice, rather than a 'mean' one, but at the end of the day, you should remember that they're all the same. You have to drive according to criteria so 'nice' or 'mean', if you break a driving regulation, you're still going to fail. So don't get nervous if you get someone whose stern-looking! It's better, so when you pass, you truly know that you're ready for driving by yourself on the streets :) So then, we headed out to the car, where they ask you to get in and test your blinkers, brake lights etc. You must have a fully-functioning car to pass! I've heard of cases where people go to their driving test and their brake lights are broken, so they fail on the spot. 
Tip 5: Check your car beforehand to ensure that everything is working properly

They'll then enter the car. Make sure this is where you are adjusting your mirrors and seat so they can see your 'preparation' for your drive. It gives off a good impression to show that you are ready. Take a few deep breaths and pretend like it's just your regular driving instructor next to you. Relax but stay alert! When you head out of the driving registry, just stop at the entrance for extra measure. I don't know if this is the same at every centre, but there's usually a stop sign, signified by an unbroken white line at the entrance. 
Tip 6: Stop for 3 seconds at the entrance of the registry when you head out
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(img src: www.wpclipart.com)

Ok, so far, so good. We're now on the road. The testing officer will now give you directions to drive around the area for 30-40 minutes. They also tell you what skill you will be performing in the test i.e reverse parking, curbside park etc. ALWAYS make sure you clarify and ask questions if you don't know something. But also watch your tongue, mostly clarify on directions, not rules obviously...otherwise it looks like you don't know what you're doing. Whenever you get to stop signs, actually come to a complete stop and wait 3 seconds before proceeding (lol, i didn't do this the first time). Other typical things to follow are making mirror checks constantly, turning on blinker for 3 blinks before actually turning and not stopping too close to other cars at lights. 
And now we get to my definite 'failure'. Speeding. When it comes to speed, you MUST stay under the limit, even going over a tiny bit is a fail. Like I was in a 50 zone, I got nervous and drove at 53km/h and it was counted as an instant fail.
So tip 7: Don't speed, whatever you do. Be more careful than usual when driving
driving test

Apart from that, just make sure you brush up on the driving rules beforehand so you don't break any big ones. An interesting one is lights. I used to get a little confused when it came to traffic lights, but I read a good tip on this online. When you approach traffic lights, keep your foot over the brake so you are prepared to slow down. If the lights turn yellow a fair distance away, make sure to stop...don't speed up to make the lights. If they turn yellow and you're pretty close to them, make sure you keep going otherwise it could be dangerous to suddenly stop. 
Tip 8: Read the rule book for driving and make sure to follow those rules strictly

Finally, we headed back. When you get out of the car, don't act too upset if you think you made mistakes; you might just be being too critical of yourself :) Plus, if you don't seem confident during the driving test, how can you be confident driving out on the streets by yourself? 
Some additional little driving test tips are: to look good, not necessarily dressing up, but making sure that your appearance is presentable so you come off more mature and sensible. Have a good nights sleep as well! Because you probably won't drive well in a driving test with little sleep. Having a good nights rest will clear your head and make it easier to focus. 
But I guess, most important of all is not to freak out over this long list of tips I've given you. Believe in yourself! You should be familiar with this stuff and in the end, it should come naturally to you anyway. You can do it! And if you fail, don't worry about it...there's always a next time :)

driving test
Good luck! 
(img src: www.woorissica.com)

That's all for now :D Hope those who have their driving tests soon are able to follow these tips and pass ^_^ Let me know how you go, and good luck!!

xx Heylinni 
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19 replies

  1. Thank you for these tips! I'm definitely going to keep them in mind. I haven't done my driver's test yet :(


    1. no problem! Good luck for when you take them :)

  2. Amazing post! This will be so useful to me in the future. Thank you for sharing<3

    1. Thanks for reading :) Good luck for your exams in the future xx

  3. What a great post! Those cars are awesome! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

    1. hahah for sure, dream cars! :D Of course, will do :)

  4. Haha I remember my first driving test. I slowed down a lot at roundabouts to show my examiner I was being cautious. And he failed me for it because he thought I was not confident enough!

    1. Hahah aww, yeah that's the problem. You can't be too confident, but you can't be unconfident either, it was pretty hard to find the balance :D

  5. Im afraid of driving so i wont do any test hehe. Though i would love to drive, but cars here in our country are pretty fast :(

    Anyway, i am inviting you to join my giveaway. Join it here!

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    1. Hhaha, but you have such freedom when you drive ! Though tbh, i still get a little stressed everytime i drive alone lol.
      Sure, I'll join :)

  6. great tips darl. I didn't pass my red Ps the first go either, I wasn't a very confident driver while I was on my Ps... but my job pushed me to drive around alllll the day, now it's like second nature :) slow and steady.

    1. glad to hear that it does get easier! im still a little nervous when i drive :P

  7. The tests in Australia sound very similar to the ones in the UK, and I just passed my test too! But I thought I failed so I was nearly crying when we finished but apparently the mistakes I made weren't dangerous so it was just a minor (idk if you have a minor/major system?). But I agree with all these tips I think your post would be very helpful to people taking their tests^^ x

    1. Yay! Congrats! thank you for your thoughtful comment, and for reading :)

  8. Haha nice or mean, they're all the same. I'll keep that in mind when I go for mine. :) I'm "new" to Blogger (blogger with no following). haha. I'd love to get some advice from those with more experience:) http://januarychokko.blogspot.ca/

  9. These are just great driving tips for Australian teens! Thanks a ton for this post. I have also enrolled my son to a local Port Macquarie Driving School. The trainers over there are highly professional and experienced.

  10. yeah thanks for sharing this wonderful article and it helps for beginners like me.

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