Blippo Kawaii Goods Review

By Unknown - 12:00 PM

Not long ago (like 2 posts ago), I reviewed the November Kawaii Box. But today I have another review for kawaii items sent by Blippo, from their main site. They offered me a chance to pick whatever I wanted from their entire shop and were very generous about it! I decided that I would ultimately pick some smaller items with some diversity between them. Since I received this package before leaving for China, I wanted to choose cute products that could actually be useful for me on the trip. I am forever in love with Blippo’s range of kawaii products straight from Japan, their customer service, free shipping and affordable prices. This is like my go to place for a much needed fix of Japanese goods. If you wanted to read my previous posts where I worked with Blippo, you can check them out here, here and here
Today I will be reviewing four products. I received an Alpacasso Mini Purse, Rilakkuma Cookie Sticks, an Eye Mask and BK Glow in the Dark nail polish. They came quite quickly in sturdy packaging, though as I’ve said before, it’d be nice if the packaging were a little more kawaii and true to brand, ja feel? Anyway, it’s the products inside that truly count so let’s just head straight on to each of them! 
Oh yes, and as usual you receive a Blippo keyring with every order. It’s a nice touch and a bit of personalised service that makes you feel special, like you’re part of the Blippo club or something, idek. I have around 5 of these by now hahah, and I just hang them on everything.

1. Alpacasso Mini Purse
Price: $7.76

Info: These are little pastel Alpaca shaped purses, which you can hang on your bags via a chain. They come in light pink, lilac or white and are extremely cute with their bow ties and soft material. They are supposed to be used for money, cards and other small items.

Thoughts: Okay, so these Alpacas have become more and more popular in recent days and for some reason, people are finding Alpacas the most adorable creatures ever. It’s so random, but I kind of see the charm. I mean, isn’t this purse just so sweet? It’s incredibly soft and granted – not actually that functional, but it’s probably my favourite product out of the ones sent to me. These alpacasso’s are becoming a huge thing, especially their plush versions, which many bloggers I see, absolutely adore. I think that the purse is probably too small to be of any use, apart from for a limited amount of coins, but it is a great addition to my bag and makes it look about a million times cuter. The quality seems decent and the zippers and chains all work well so far. There haven’t been any dodgy aspects of this purse and I’m happy with the overall product.

2. Rilakkuma Cookie Sticks
Price: $3.29

Info: These cookie sticks are like Pocky without the chocolate. They feature popular Japanese plush character, Rilakkuma and have super sweet, adorable packaging. They come in an easy to open box and have an inner packaging to keep the food fresh. Supposedly, they are covered in frosting but I didn’t see any when I ate these sticks.

Thoughts: YUM. YUM. and…YUM. These are deliciously sweet. Believe me, they may not seem like much since they don’t have the chocolate or icing of Pocky, but they are light and so tasty. They were a perfect snack for my flight, as I didn’t want something that could weigh me down, but boyy was I hungry. They are plain cookie sticks, which taste just like sweet biscuit/cookies, but in the form of a stick. What is more genius than that? It is the little things in life like this that keep me happy ahahhaha. I would definitely buy this again and I’m glad that it was actually fresh in the package; unlike the Pocky I received in the Kawaii Box, which all clumped together due to the melted chocolate.

3. BK Glow in the Dark nail polish
Price: $4.61

Info: This is one of the choices of a collection of Glow in the dark nail polish from BK. There are a huge range of colours to choose from, across the whole spectrum, but be aware that some of the better colours are no longer in stock :( They are quite little bottles, only about 7mL. Also, I'm a little worried about the quality of the product and whether it'll be damaging to my nails. I've also had an issue with opening the top of the bottle - it's really screwed on tight there! But I've read a few positive reviews saying that it does have a noticeable, fun glow in the dark, which is a really fantastic, novelty feature.

Thoughts: I haven't had a proper chance to try these out yet since I just got gel nails done and they've been going strong for a couple of weeks already. This seems like a lower quality nail polish though, but really enjoyable and exciting to use for short periods of time. I've heard that nail polish can get quite damaging for the fingernails, causing it to layer up and become all gross, so I wouldn't use it all too often. However, I really love the colour that they sent me -- kind of a day glo, tennis ball yellow and I'm looking forward to giving it a go sometime soon (and then I'll update this section for more informed thoughts)

4. Eye Mask (model 1)
Price: $5.13

Info: This is a cute eye mask used for sleeping, to block out light so you can have a proper nap anywhere. I chose it for the purposes of sleeping on the airplane, since that is the most difficult thing to do ever. This particular mask is pretty stock standard, with fabric material, but it differs from regular masks through its design. There are a range of different designs you can choose from, all with very cartoonish and fun faces.

Thoughts: I love this mask! I think it's just got such a sassy/cheeky expression, which is a laugh to wear whilst sleeping. It's very good in blocking out too much light and comfortable enough to wear. The mask is 19.5 cm long, and the straps don't pull too tightly on my ears (some masks do this and it's painful!). It fits snugly and is very easy to pack in a carry on bag so I was super happy with this product!

So those were the four items I received from Blippo! I'm so happy and grateful to be given the opportunity to work with Blippo so a big thank you to them for offering to sponsor me these products. They all have come to great use and I highly recommend hopping onto for a daily dose of cute, kawaii goods direct from Japan :)

And now, onto discussing something you are probably much more curious about; the giveaway winner! I'm still waiting on Blippo's announcement to me, but as soon as they let me know, I will be updating the post here and also announcing it on my Facebook page.

Thanks for reading!

xx Heylinni 
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Go shopping for Kfashion with Heylinni!

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14 replies

  1. Hi! I received one of these nail polishes in my December box. It's a red/pinky kind of color. I've only gotten the box for two months but am really enjoying it!!

    1. Aw cool! I'm so curious to see how red/pink would look in the dark :P

  2. That eye mask is soooo cute~
    Thanks for sharing this review <3

    xoxo Payton
    My Blog~Join my Korean Cosmetics Giveaway!!!

  3. Aaw, those items are so cute! I've never hear of Blippo before, but I'm definitely going to keep it in mind (。☌ᴗ☌。) (

    1. Aww hope you discovered a new fave shopping destination then hahaha :)

  4. Awesome review. Very cool products!

  5. Hi dear! thanks for dropping by on my blog! :) I already followed your blog last year :)) and oh, lovely and cute subscription box :)


  6. Hey there~ Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a cute comment! :) I was so happy, because you are one of my fav bloggers!!! I would love to be your new 'youtube buddy' haha! :) Let's work hard together! I subscribed to your channel and I've been your blog follower for a while~~
    Much love, Jenny

  7. Hey sweets, thanks for stopping by and leaving your info, I'm now following you via GFC and Blog Lovin'.

    This is a gorgeous selection of products and the block calendar is a fabulous promotional item!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  8. Everything from Blippo is so cute, the Alpaca purse is the cutest! <3

