Etude House Arctic Aurora Colours Shadow

By heylinni - 2:25 PM

Here's a new Pink Box review for you all, that Etude House sent me for Christmas/the New Year! But first, I know you don't expect me to come back without an explanation of my disappearance. Honestly, I've just been lazy after coming back from Korea and going to a Computer Science camp (lol...nerdy). I'm trying to organise a blogging schedule, so there'll be less occurrences where I fall off the face of the Earth and neglect my precious blog ^_^ 
This Pink Box, Etude House is focusing on the Winter 2014-15 collection of Arctic Aurora Colours Eyeshadows, all in cool tones to match the chilly weather in South Korea. Unfortunately these icy colours don't really suit the sweltering hot season here in Australia, but I'm sure they'll be a perfect fit in a few months :) What was super exciting about this box was that Etude House also sent me something a little more special as a Christmas present, which you can find out about later in this post! 
Firstly, Etude House released a new addition to their eyeshadow collection in early December 2014, which was the Arctic Aurora Colours Shadow collection. This included 10 new shades of iridescent, sparkling eyeshadow as well as 10 new shades of chilly nail polish for their Play nails line. You can see in the proper advertisement pics above that these shades are all very cool-toned, with lots of blues and mints, perfect for a dewy Winter beauty look. They kind of remind me of Frozen or Elsa makeup :) You'll be able to purchase all of these shadows for super cheap on their Etude House Global online shop, where each shadow is priced at around $3.50 - $5.50! They are classed under the 'Look at my Eyes' collection, where you'll have to search up each of the shade codes to find the exact ones. They're each around 2g, with plenty of powder to last you for quite a while.  

Etude House generously sent me 5 of the 10 shades of Arctic Aurora Colours - WH902 Igloo of Siberia, OR205 Fruit Sorbets, BK801 White night of Arctic, PK006 Dancing Aurora and GR705 Tip of an Iceberg. They're all quite sparkly and fun, with the right amount of shimmer to finish off your look and make you feel super magical~~ 
On a quick side note, another extra little thing they sent me for Christmas was this ADORABLY packaged Christmas card! It came in a separate envelope, pale pink in colour, and very princess-like. It even had the Etude House logo on the back as if it's some royal seal or something :D Inside, they had put a lovely pearl sheen card, with a cutout paper carriage. I reckon this is so fairytale-ish and beautiful...I definitely will be keeping it on my desk for the whole of next year ^_^ It was very simple in terms of the message -- just a classy 2015 Happy New Year on it, which I wholly appreciated and showed me how much Etude House cared about their customers and the Pink Birds in their program :) Very cheesy to say... but it warmed my heart!

So that card definitely got me distracted about the main star of the box, but let's revisit that for our review -->

WH902 Igloo of Siberia - This was the lightest of the lot, with a white, pearly shade to it. It's sometimes barely visible on the skin but it adds a touch of subtle glitter. If you apply a lot of it, it will start to gain a lilac shade because of the purple specks in the shadow. I think that this would be a perfect addition on the cheeks to add this slight shine and glimmer, highlighting them to make your cheekbones look a little more pronounced. I know that using an eyeshadow as highlighter is probably very unorthodox, but hey, it works really well!

OR205 Fruit Sorbets - This is the coral toned eyeshadow in the collection. It has a lot less shimmer than the rest, with more of a matte pinky colour. I love the heart pattern in the eyeshadows - they make it seem so cute and feminine :) I would typically use this as a base colour on my eyes, before layering up on it with other more bold colours. Otherwise, it could suit as a peachy blusher for the cheeks -- but once again, some of you might think that's a little weird! 

BK801 White night of Arctic - I love this purple coloured shadow! It's got a lot of sparkle in it and would be perfect for a smokey eye, on a fun night out in the city. The base colour of it is a dark purple, but the specks of glitter carry a golden sheen. I think that the two shades complement each other really well and give off a royal aura. 

PK006 Dancing Aurora - I wasn't too sure about this colour at first, since I'm not very keen on maroon shades, but it definitely changed my mind. It's a very dark reddish-brown that doesn't look amazing on its own, but when applied to the eyes, it's actually quite seductive and pretty. There is heaps of glitter in this one so it's VERY shiny on the face. 

GR705 Tip of an Iceberg - And finally, this is the tone I was expecting for the collection when I heard it was all about 'Winter' and the 'Arctic Aurora'. It's a very pretty mint colour with the typical pearly sheen. I haven't had a chance to try this out in an actual look (only tested it as a swatch) and I think it'd be difficult to incorporate as a 'main feature' because of its bright colour, but it could act as a lovely teardrop shimmer shadow to widen your eyes :) I LOVE this cool shade and mint is one of my fave colours so I'll def be brainstorming how to use this in a fun makeup look
I tried a few of these shadows out in a dewy, Winter makeup look but it's a little hard to see in the photos. The eyeshadows that I used were the Fruits Sorbets, Dancing Aurora and Igloo of Siberia. They are very easy to apply and the powder is loose enough that it transfers to my eyeshadow brush easily, but is also still firm enough so that the palette won't crack. It's also a decently vivid colour that shows up well with one swipe. 

Here are the swatches of each of the shadows. 
From left to right - Igloo of Siberia, Fruit Sorbet, White night of Arctic, Dancing Aurora and Tip of an Iceberg 
And my makeup look using the eyeshadows (I actually used Fruit Sorbet for that slight pink tinge on my cheeks) --

Another awesome additional item that Etude House sent me was this SUPER COOL calendar! It was their Christmas present to me and it's very cute and timeless. It features Etude House's Official Charactr 'Etti', the very sophisticated cat! I love this Lego block calendar so much because it's sweet and will be totally useful for organisation purposes next year! Usually, I can't stick with using calendars but maybe with this cute-looking one, I'll actually keep updated with the time of year ^_^
I already put my 'Birthday' block in :) Can't wait! Less than a week and I'll be 18 huehuehue :)
Thanks Etude for the brilliant December Pink Box and the little extra gifts! I had heaps of fun reviewing this box and am looking forward to whatever collection Etude will be releasing next. If you guys want to keep updated with Etude and perhaps become a Pink Bird blogger too, make sure to stay updated with their Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter, so you'll get their announcement when it comes. 

Also, on a side note, I think I'm starting to map out a blogging schedule, where I SHOULD be posting at least twice a week (no promises, but I really will try!)
Thanks for reading!!
xx Heylinni
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Go shopping for Kfashion with Heylinni!

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29 replies

  1. Replies
    1. yess i think it's perfect for long time usage as well :)

  2. Love your hair rach! Catch up soon maybe hehe xx
    Shirley | Quartz and Roses

    1. Aww thanks Shirley! Had no idea you started a blog?! Will be keeping an eye out for your updates :D

    2. Just started like this month just for the fun of it heheh! Have you sorted out uni things yet?!

  3. Your skin is so clear omg! And it's so nice that they sent you those products!

    Little Moon Elephant

    1. Ahh thank you! But it's soo dry :( And yep, Etude House is super generous :)

  4. beautiful eyeshadows :)


    1. definitely! I love the shimmer in them that make them a little bit more magical haha :)

  5. lovely colours! Everything looks so cute >.< I really like the baby blue one hehe

    A C Y H O Z - blog


    1. Thank you! I agree, I think it looks very icy and sweet ^^

  6. I love Etude House~ the eyeshadows look super pretty and amazing but I'm totally impressed by that calender heh>.< x

    1. oh yess, I will be using that calendar a LOT this year!

  7. Cute haul~! The colors for the eye shadows are super pretty and the calendar is adorable <33

  8. Guapura!!encantada de conocer este blog tan maravilloso, me quedo aquí como seguidora. Te invito a pasar por el mio y quedarte conmigo.
    Millones de Besitos

  9. Thank you for the feature! I love Etude House so much ~~

    Hope you have a great 18th too by the way ^^

    ♥ Visit me on the Unicorn Sanctuary & enter my Worldwide Valentine's Giveaway! ♥

  10. Hi Rachel,
    Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog.
    You just don't know how it made me happy.If you take a look at
    my about me section,you'll find Heylinni as one of my blog inspirations.
    I already followed you via GFC #427.
    I hope you follow me back too:)Have a good day~

  11. you are CHOOOOOO pretty!!!
    btw the packaging attracts me the most :D
    it's so cute (:
    im wondering what camera you use to snap all your selfie (: it looks good

  12. I love this brand, and all the colors too,\Thanks so much for ur comment on my blog ! If you want we can follow each other on GFC ,Bloglovin/G+..Let me know !

  13. I follow you!!

  14. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. I'm actually already following you on GFC, but I'd love a follow back! And if you'd like to follow on Bloglovin, just follow me and I'll follow right back :)

  15. The eye shadows are sooo pretty! I definitely think it's okay to use them as highlighters if they work well!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  16. Amazing haul :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  17. Aw cute products! Beautiful eyeshadows! =D

    NEW POST on


  18. Nice review! You took really nice pictures of these eyeshadows. And your calendar is the cuuutest calendar in the world for sure! I am following you via GFC and Facebook it would be awesome if you followed me back! :)
