
Longer hair without having to wait months and months | CC Hair Extensions

By Unknown - 3:29 PM

hair extensions

Hey everyone! Here's just a short post introducing to you this new site that I encountered called CC Hair Extensions. Even though I already do have quite long hair, the hair itself is SUPER thin, so there never is any volume to style and change up my hair from its messy bun or boring ponytail. I'm so jealous of all those girls I see with thick, luxurious hair because it just looks so voluminous and pretty, whereas I'm struggling to keep mine from looking so flat all the time ^_^ So what would be the normal method to dealing with this? Waiting for my hair to grow out? Yeah, right... That'd take many years, and with problems like mine, it doesn't quite work that way. (At least, I don't think hair can grow fatter?) So the perfect solution is getting into Hair Extensions! 

hair extensions

Now, I know hair extensions can be a tricky field. Getting the right shade, making it look natural, texturing and overall, it just costs a lot! But I think that with the propulsion of online shopping and overseas manufacturers, obtaining some affordable and good quality hair extensions has become super easy and accessible. I also fid it really fun because you can pretty much change up your look in minutes, without having to commit to anything. Test yourself out with bang extensions first, before you take the plunge and really do it, or get some colour streaks in there just to trial a new colour you've been craving lately. So where do I recommend going?? I've been surfing around a bit lately, and the first site I'm introducing you to today is called CC Hair Extensions. 

According to their About Me page, they are an online human hair extensions shop, selling various types of extensions with low prices around the world. I personally like that it's made from 100% human hair, as the quality of it is much silkier and more natural. The type of extensions they offer is classified as Indian Remy hair extensions. You have this huge choice of clip in hair extensions, hair weaves, micro loops, bonded hair, tape hair and other accessories. Then, within these categories, you can select by length, colour, weight, price etc etc. ! The site is easy to navigate and search for your perfect extensions. I reckon the site is pretty trustworthy, as each of the products have customer reviews and ratings on them, so you can read all the information and feedback before you actually make a purchase. 

Here are a few of my top picks on the website! 

1. Medium Brown Clip in Hair Extensions 

hair extensions
Okay, these photos are dodgy as fuark, but I've read a lot of good reviews online for this site, legit.

The Medium Brown clip in comes in a variety of lengths. I reckon optimal amount would be 18-inches, and that costs $85 for 7 clip-ins in different lengths so it adds layer and volume to your hair. The deep brown shade looks great and is a very common shade of hair, so it's probably one of the best sellers. These clip ins had 5 star reviews so I'm assuming they are pretty good! If you actually want to see them in action, check out this Youtube review here:

2. Dark Brown Clip In Hair Extensions 
I found that these dark brown hair extensions looked really pretty in the model photo. They are thick and luxurious and have the really coffee set colour, which is rich and gorgeous. The straight texture is also super sleek so I'd definitely be interested in giving these a go. They are a bit darker than my hair colour at the moment for sure though, so I guess it'd look weird if I got them AHAH. They're also $85 in the 18-inch. 

3. Strawberry Blonde Clip in Hair Extensions 

Finally, obviously I PERSONALLY would not buy these, since I would look extremely strange with black hair and blonde extensions,... BUT these are a perfect shade for those with lighter hair. They match the colour of Elle Fanning's hair, which I think is so stunning and <3 _ <3 perfect! 

In terms of choosing the right shade for your hair, I recommend having a look at their numberings in the model photos. They give you an indication of the colour shade ID and also a few shades around that colour. It's really helpful in establishing what would look most natural in your hair. I think that a shade lighter would look fine as well, just because our hair does seem to lighten up natural on the ends anyway. There are also a few videos you can watch online to determine your best shade. It all comes up to personal preference though. And if you are too lazy to be clipping in extensions everyday, but still want to fast growth and length, then CC Extensions also have a hair weave section on their site as well. Weaves are more permanent as they get stitched into your hair (sounds scary though), but it means you won't have to worry about them as much later on and it's probably easier to manage. 

So that's all for today! Just a quick intro into the possibilities of hair extensions :) Hope you enjoyed the post and I'll be on the lookout for a couple more extension stores, if you guys are interested! 

Thanks for reading,

xx Heylinni 
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15 replies

  1. Lovely post, have a beautiful weekend! <3

  2. My hair is quite thin, too, so maybe getting some extensions would be the solution.
    I followed your blog via bloglovin´

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  3. I saw your message by Blogoratti.... :)))
    I followed your blog.... :)

    ઇઉ Ell@

  4. Lovely extensions!! Looks amazing.
    Btw, I started following u on bloglovin.
    Happy weekend. Xo


  5. Interesting post~! I haven't bought extensions before, but those all look nice <33


  6. Lovely hairstyle inspo! Thanks for sharing Miss!

  7. I love clip-in hair extensions! :) Been using them for a while.

  8. I've always wanted extensions in different colors to change up my hair every once in a while, but have been scared to try because I know I'd suck at putting it on haha ;( my biggest fear would me thinking i'm all badass with my hair not realizing you can see the bumps at the back or something

  9. I want to try these! Beautiful pics!

    Happy Tuesday!
    With love,
    Suzy ( ˘ ³˘)♥


  10. they look so lovely :))
