
Japan Haul & Spending New Year's in Japan

By heylinni - 11:48 AM

Hi everyone! Updates and updates time :) How are you all doing? Another sad neglect of the blog lately as I've been working on my Youtube channel - Heylinni. I'm so happy that I've hit 1117 subscribers and the number is just growing steadily from there. Really feeling like at least some of my hard work has been paying off. But I also don't want to dump my blog completely because it's my roots, where I started, so you guys are all very special to me.

One point had been raised that my blog had become more of an advertising ground for my Youtube, hence the drop in pageviews lately. It's true. I feel like I've been posting more and more just to get some extra views on my Youtube and not putting in any effort into making new, original content. Which is why I've decided that AFTER today's final Youtube-focused post, I'll be creating a banner/bar on the top of my blog and posting all new Youtube vids there for you to freely watch. On the other hand, my blog posts will now be original content, reviews, thoughts and random updates on my life. This means that you have a purpose to come visit and read my blog :D YAy! Hopefully this solution will improve traffic on both Youtube and blog so I don't end up neglecting you all again and again.

So basically, that's my update for the day. My giveaway is almost over as well for the Paw Paw Lip Butters, which I posted about last week. You can enter the giveaway here, and I encourage you to, because the entries are so easy to do! Apart from that, here are the two Japan videos that I'm promoting today:

1. Japan Haul

This was such an exciting video to make! It gave me the chance to go back through all the things I bought in Japan and enjoy the memories all over again :) I also got to finally pack my clothes away. Usually, when I have a big haul, I like to keep everything out until I actually make the haul video. AFTERWARDS, I can finally start wearing those clothes hahaha. This video encompasses the misc, beauty, clothes and accessories I bought in Japan during my 19 day trip. On a related note, I've also been making Japan Vlogs and that will be a 9 part mini-series on Youtube. I'm up to Vlog 4, and you can watch the playlist here. I can't believe all the amazing items to buy in Japan and I really want to go back soon to buy even more stuff. Was scared I wouldn't be able to fit it all in my suitcase on the way home, but luckily my suitcase ended up weighing 21.3kg, just 1.7kg under the max limit! 

2. Japan Vlog 4 

So here's the 4th instalment of my Japan vlog series. It's so fun and eventful, as we spent the day in Asakusa, Roppongi, Tokyo + moree for the New Year's Eve celebrations. The temple area was so incredibly packed and everyone was there making prayers for 2016. Sacha kept wanting to wander around the scenery and touristy areas, but me being me wanted to either shop, eat or go on some rides. Hahah, I must be so annoying to travel with cos I get bored really easily. The highlight of the day was probably going up Tokyo Tower! It was so beautiful up there and I think we spent like 3 hours there before we came down. We watched the sun go down and the lights of the city turn on. It was an amazing sight and an unmissable experience. I was really sad we didn't go up One Piece tower though, because it cost a lot more and we would only get one hour there. So I just enjoyed all the One Piece stuff at the bottom of the tower. We wanted to stay up till midnight to watch fireworks, so to waste time, we headed to Roppongi, known for its nightlife. The area was not bustling so much at 9pm, but after going to karaoke and heading out again, there were so many people! Everyone seemed to be in their 20s, all dressed up fancy. The people there are so pushy and aggressive as well! Not in terms of 'hey, I wanna fight you', but like hitting on girls and literally following them for a really long time. There would be people outside clubs as well who would actually grab girls and be like, 'come into our free party!' Sach and I didn't get hit on though cos I reckon we looked like the biggest tourists with our DSLRs hanging at our necks. Plus, I think we looked a lot younger to everyone and our underageness was apparent (legal age in Japan is 21). Anyway, we wanted to watch fireworks at Tokyo Tower, so we walked back there. It was absolutely hectic! So many people standing around. I was hungry so I ate some octopus AHHAAH yummmm~~ But the biggest disappointment of the night was, when the clock hit 12:00am, there was a release of balloons but ZERO fireworks. Just a lot of tourists wandering around extremely confused. I felt like I had been cheated hehehe. So Sach and I went home, with our tails between our legs. We also had to wait like half an hour for our train, since it was 1am in the morning. What a sad New Year! What will happen next time?

Hope you enjoyed today's post and I'm gonna leave you with a photo dump, just to finish off the blog. 

xx Heylinni 
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