
Natralus Paw Paw Lip Butter Review + GIVEAWAY!

By Unknown - 10:14 AM

Greetings and good evening everyone! As I write this, I am taking a break from the gruelling task of study and brightening myself up with you guys. Zzz...uni is hard, life is hard ~ same old same old, complain, complain, complain hahahha. Alright, now we got that out of the way, I feel a regular update is necessary on my life. I've been working hard the past few weeks as my uni's FABSOC publications exec to create our fortnightly magazine i.e. newsletter. I'm a slow writer and even slower at coming up with concepts, hence the long production process. But I sent it all out today so yay! (Those who know which uni I go to, please subscribe to our FABSOC newsletter to see it in all its glory!!). Apart from that, I've been going to work, going to uni, hanging out with friends. I need to gym more as well - been cutting for Atlantis, but now that's done and dusted, I let myself go a bit hehe. Got to get back into the regular routine of diet and fitness so I don't become a potato. Anywayyy, I've got a Get Ready With Me video for that coming out soon --- and also attended a LuxCurly PopUp event. A post will be made available within the next 2 weeks on my experience there as well! All in all, it's been quite the packed week and I'm glad to just get some time to myself to blog and enjoy... 

I recently received this beaaauuuutiful box of beauty products from Natralus Australia! It was so minimalistic and fancy-looking, absolutely love the sleek packaging and bow to finish it off. But hey, I'm not here to review the packaging AHHAA, I'm here to review the products INSIDE. Natralus Australia has released a relatively new product called Natralus Natural Paw Paw Lip Butter. Now, Lip Balm is not a new thing for Natralus, with their original line of Paw Paw Ointment and Lip Balm successfully soothing, protecting and restoring with organic paw paw ingredients and not a trace of petrochemicals (don't want nasty chemicals in our body). Now this new range is smoother, enriched with Shea butter and Vitamin E for max softness. And plus, it's got yummy flavours now - coming in Coconut, Strawberry, Honey&Vanilla and Cocoa Butter!! DELICIOUS. Only worry is that I'm gonna be licking it all off, while I have it on my lips hahaha 

This Lip Range is 100% Australia made and owned, so you'll be supporting nation pride by wearing it hehee. Not to mention, it is super cheap - priced at $5.75 per 10g tube. You are able to buy it from Woolies, some pharmacies (Priceline), independent supermarkets and health food stores. 

So, Natralus sent me three flavours. The cocoa butter is yet to come out, so I haven't tasted that one yet hah hah ha! But, I did get the Honey&Vanilla, Strawberry and Coconut ones. They all come in decent-sized tubes, looking bright and colourful. I love the look of these lip butters, because everything about them seems happy and good for you. The natural element of it just makes it even more enticing, because you know that you aren't injecting gross, artificial chemicals into your body. Definitely a plus. What's more, Natralus were kind enough to add in the package, some jams and honeys for me (for personal eating yay) and also a three-pack of all the currently available flavours, which I will GIVEAWAY! to one of my lucky readers~~ Make sure you get to the end of this post, to find out how to win. 

On the day, I decided to try out the Strawberry Paw Paw Lip Butter. I'm a fan of strawberry flavours cos it's so sweet ^_^ But sometimes, you can get easily sick of it. The pink packaging was really appealing and when I unscrewed it, it had a nice, slanted top for easy application. 

The lip butter itself is soft, fresh and moisturising. I think the addition of Shea Butter in the ingredients makes it a lot more creamy for the lips, which is a definite advantage. It doesn't lie too heavy but holds a clean balance of moisture yet invisibility. These Paw Paw Shea butters don't have any tinted colour either, so guys can use them as well! Paw Paw is good for you due to its fermentation process, which extracts the best nutrients such as antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins.  Furthermore, Shea Butter has essential Vitamins A and E and also natural moisturisers and fatty acids. These ingredients are all combined to create this super lip butter for healthy, plump lips. 

Furthermore, they included this cute recipe for me to make Coconut and Cocoa Bliss Balls. They look so so yummy, I'll be sure to try making them and post it on my Instagram or something!!

So...GIVEAWAY TIME! Natralus sent me an extra pack of lip butters to share with my readers - because sharing is caring!! :D I'm going to have 3 winners, each receiving a pack of the Paw Paw lip butter - in Strawberry, Honey and Vanilla or Coconut flavours. All you have to do to enter is followt he instructions below in the RaffleCopter. The more entries you complete, the more chance you have to win :) Good luck guys! Giveaway ends in 1.5 weeks on the 29th March! 

Hope you enjoyed this post. I got a lot more collaborations to come!! :)

xx Heylinni 
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