500 Followers Blog Giveaway!

By heylinni - 4:18 PM

Yay, I don't really do giveaways often, but I'm so excited that I hit 500 bloglovin followers last week :D It's so nice to feel like people are actually reading my blog, since I remember back in the beginning of blogging, this time last year, I literally felt like I was writing to myself (it was pretty lonely then :')) But working hard at it and persevering has paid off with the help of you guys! I know 500 followers might not be a big deal compared to like 100000 followers or something, but it is a super special moment to me ^^ So anyway, this milestone means it's time to celebrate with a super cute box filled with all my top goodies that remind me of a few amazing opportunities and sponsors that have come my way during this blogging journey. 

But before all that, here's some bad news :( As usual, you might notice that I'll be pretty absent on the blog for these next couple of weeks. My final exams are looming closer than ever, and in about a month, I'll be completely finished with them (unbelievable right???!) and then I'm free to blog to my hearts content (I'll promise I'll try to post like 2-3 times a week). Also in this post, I just wanted to recap this past year of blogging and also alert you about my future activities before finishing off with the giveaway details! :)

So from the beginning........
I started blogging around May of last year but I really had no idea what I was doing. My page looked so basic and my posts were about my daily life, what I ate at Meet Fresh, what the weather was like etc etc, with some pictures in about 300 px. It was fun though, and I remembering celebrating the fact that my page got like 20 views a day ;D I kind of thought that blogging would be a fun way to take pictures and share my thoughts as well as meet some awesome people like you guys. If you're confused as to why my blog posts don't start from May in the archives, it's because there was this one time where I wanted to private my photos on Google+ and I deleted the 'Blog photos' album, then all of my pics on Heylinni disappeared and I was like ....'ohhh shhii....' so I kind of had to delete everything and start again. 
Lol, this pic was in my first ever post

Some of my most enjoyable posts to write so far have been my Palty Hair Dye review, which is now the top link on Google when you search for Palty Hair Dye reviews (yay!) and also my Goals and Dreams post, which was something quite different and inspired. 
Probably other notable experiences and opportunities I've had through this year and last year have been starting my online shop, A Lemon's Life, working with Wengie on her music video, going to a few blogging events with Dove and Ebay, reviewing a COLOSSAL amount of circle lenses and last of all, who could forget, becoming an Etude House Pink Bird Blogger. This blogging experience has been a whole lot of fun and it's all happened in just the span of one year ^^

Of course, it's not always just fun and games. I know...I shouldn't be complaining but it has been super difficult juggling my Year 12 schoolwork/commitments and blogging and sometimes, it's kind of hard to find time to write a really detailed post. That's probably why my posting schedule sucks. Like I used to write heaps on Music of the Moment, or start an Ultimate Ulzzang Series but I just feel like I don't even listen to much music now that it's all about study, study, study. Plus, gaining a reader base has been such a slow and steady task for me. It's taken a lot of hard work, since mostly it's about making sure content is good enough to read but that just makes me appreciate every one of you more, so it's all G :P 

I don't even know how I'm going to recap this entire year in words, so I'm just going to let the pictures do the talking, so we can visually experience the growth I've undergone in this amazing journey so far (and it's only just getting started ~~) 
 The progression of my blog banners went from this....
 ...to this....
 ...to this. And finally onto my current one :)

 2013 me :P

My first sponsored review ever was from AU Shopping Spree, now rebranded as Hello Sweetie

An awesome MV experience with Wengie

The Dove Compaign with the amazing Sennaaa I met through blogging :)

 Experimenting with different makeup styles~~

 Attended the Market HQ show at MBFW thanks to one of my fave bloggers, Chloe Ting

Random outfit posts

And a huge range of fun reviews :D 

And what's the plan for the future.....?
Firstly, I'm for sure going to keep blogging! It's only been one year so far! If you put this blog on a Product Life Cycle, I'm still in the introduction stage of this blog and I plan to follow through with the whole life cycle for the many future years to come. I'm probably going to get a little more serious, establish a blogging schedule and work a lot harder on having a social life to post about instead of just sitting in my room every day doing basically nothing. I'll post more on my various social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr) and work harder on my online shop. But most exciting of all, I want to start a YouTube channel (which you can subscribe to here though I have no vids yet). I know THAT market is pretty much saturated already, but idk, just wanting to give it a go and get the whole blogging/vlogging experience...try new things you know? Plus filming will be a good break from writing sometimes. ^_^ 
So that's you guys all caught up with my thoughts and feelings about the Heylinni blog. Hopefully you continue to visit and stay tuned for all my future endeavours. Now let's move onto the good part of this post, where you get the chance to win some super KAWAIIIIIII items! 

Here's a preview of the giveaway items in the box. It's all very central around my blog's theme of cute and fun objects, which are applicable for a bit of everyday use to brighten up your life :D There are a whole assortment of items from clothing to stationary to jewellery! I hope you like each of them and enter the giveaway for a chance to win ^_^ The giveaway is International, since a lot of my readers are from the US or elsewhere :) It'll be run through Rafflecopter, as usual, and will end on the 21st of November (when my exams finish!!!) There'll only be a few compulsory things, then all other entries are optional, to increase your chances of winning x So winner's will be contacted on the 21st, and you'll have 48 hours to reply, until I have to choose another winner. Hope you enjoy these items and I'll be sure to include a personal letter in the box as a huge thank you to reading my blog ! :) 

The items:

It'll all come in a big pink box from Etude, since I couldn't find any other large-sized boxes ahahhah, plus it smells sooo good, because I've included a really nice scented candle. 
There are some stationary items for school or study sessions. A pack of cute little post-it notes from Hello Sweetie, a beautiful passionfruit and nectarine sorbet candle from ScentedCandleShop and a Rilakkuma plush keyring from Blippo ^_^ 
And here's another Blippo item! Last time I posted a review, a lot of you were interested in the Keyboard stickers, which have the most adorable patterns on them, so I decided to pick up another identical pack for this giveaway :) 
Then we've got some accessories in there; 2 beautiful necklaces. The umbrella one is from ToFebruary and the Bone necklace is from Rings&Tings <3 
 There are also a few miscellaneous items, such as this handmade, unique Space Invaders iPhone 5 phone case and a rare Etude House drink bottle. I actually received the drink bottle in a Pink Box, but have never used it. I thought it'd be a great prize, simply because you can't get this anywhere else and it's not for sale from Etude :)
And to round off the prize box, I've added 2 pieces of clothing from my online shop. First up is this neon yellow, devil ear beanie, a style that I have been obsessed with and is super popular in Japan/Korea.
And the second item is the Vivi Collared Cat shirt (in white) and it's my last one in stock! It's soo 'kawaii', due to its peter pan collar and wacky cat print. It's also super stretchy and a one-size-fits-all garment, so it'll be perfect for anyone. 

Yup, that's it! So if you want to enter the giveaway, here are the ways you can submit entries: 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you liked this post and THANKS again for reading and supporting my blog! :D

xx Heylinni 
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Please remember to like my Facebook page for daily updates about my blog!!

Also, please be sure to check out my online shop

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38 replies

  1. Congrats on 500 followers! I wish I lived in the eastern states because I hardly know any Perth bloggers and there are never any events here. Also, congats on being a Pink Bird, that is an awesome achievement!


    1. Thank you! Haha yeah, I feel you, Aus blogging events are def behind in comparison to Singapore/Malaysia blog events :)

  2. Congratulations ^^

    Keep up the great posts!!

    恵美より ♥

  3. Congratulations lovely!
    So happy for you!! <3

  4. Congratulations on your 500 followers! :)
    Wishing you luck with your exams ;)


  5. Congratulations! <3
    Definitely keep blogging in the future- your posts are awesome ^.^
    The giveaway looks really nice :3

  6. Congrats on 500 followers~ It's amazing how much you've achieved in the year^^ I hope you have even more success in the future~ I can see how much work you put into blogging so you really deserve it! (: x

  7. You are so cute!! Congratulations! :)
    -Ally Gong

  8. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Oh gosh~ hahah the days when I had pink ends in my hair!!!
    Have fun to your trip and hope the HSC went well for you :D

    -Miss Sennnaa
    BLOG: http://miss-sennnaa.blogspot.com

    1. Hahha yess! Thank you, and I haven't even started exams yet :( Still 1 week to go!

  10. Your super cute style definitely suits you! Congratulations! :)


  11. Your blog super cute!! ^^
    Congratulations on 500 followers!!
    Would you like to follow each other on google+ , GFC, and Bloglovin? Let me know. thank you! ^^

  12. Awesome! Congratulations! :) I'm a new blogger and would you like to follow each other on google+ and bloglovin? That would be huge! :) Just let me know and thank you <3

  13. congratulations on your 500 followers dear! Your prize is too cute just like you :) Goodluck on your exam pretty! I know you can do it! Be positive always :) I'm honored to be included in your followers list :)

  14. You have amazing style and blog, dear! Congrats for 500 followers!! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm following you now, hope you follow back :)

    Kisses, Kali
    | Kali's inspiration board |

  15. Aww congrats for the 500 followers bae! <3
    Have been a silent reader since like December of last year, but here I am now trying to be brave and posting up a comment! lol


  16. congratz with 500 subbies.
    love the transaction you've made since the beginning. your style has grown with you.
    great outfits and posts.
    i love your blog, its so cute and inspirational.

    - http://angelaah91.blogspot.nl/
